LDBSA Rulebook

  1. Scotch Doubles Competition
  2. Miss Rule
  3. Formal Complaints Procedure
  4. Dress Code
  5. Financial
  6. Gambling
  7. Extraordinary General Meeting
  8. Executive Committee Meetings
  9. Trophies
  10. Combined Cue Sports Championship
  11. The Presidents Cup
  12. W.A. Smith Billiards Trophy
  13. Individual League Averages
  14. Jack Wilkinson Billiards Trophy
  15. Snooker Team Handicap
  16. Billiards Team Handicap
  17. The Roger Clark Snooker Trophy
  18. John Stobie Snooker Competition
  19. Divisional Championships
  20. Junior Snooker Doubles Championship
  21. Senior Snooker Doubles Championship
  22. Individual Junior Snooker Championship
  23. Individual Senior Snooker Championship
  24. Individual Billiards Open Championship
  25. Individual Junior Billiards Championship
  26. The Lincoln Billiards Championship
  27. Championship Entry Fees
  28. Conditions of Play in Championships
  29. Snooker
  30. Incomplete Teams
  31. Amendments to Rules
  32. Membership
  33. Eligibility of Players
  34. Registrations
  35. Snooker and Billiards Leagues
  36. Results
  37. League Matches
  38. Billiards
  39. Members of clubs having more than one team
  40. Payment for use of the table
  41. Disputes
  42. Annual General Meeting
  43. Power of the Executive
  44. The Executive Committee
  45. Management
  46. Objectives
  47. Name
  1. Scotch Doubles Competition

  2. Newly formed doubles competition for 2023/24 season. The format is snooker doubles, with alternate shots during a break. One player of the partners visits first and if the break continues you alternate shots. No conferring at the table/during the visit. Best of three frames, semis and Final best of 5 frames.

  3. Miss Rule

  4. The full Miss Rule to be played in the Premier League and Premier League knockout, with all qualifying fouls deemed a miss, up to a maximum of 3 misses being called (maximum of 4 attempts to be played, e.g. player misses 3 times, no miss shall be called after the 4th failed attempt).

    The striker shall, to the best of their ability, endeavour to hit the ball on or a ball that could be on after a Red, or a free ball nominated as a Red, has been potted. If the referee considers the Rule infringed, they shall call FOUL AND A MISS. The referees decision is final.

    If the player can hit an object ball full in the face, after the second consecutive miss the referee will warn the player that if he misses a third time, the frame will be awarded to his opponent.

    When the referee is replacing the cue ball, both players will be consulted as to its position. At this point the referees decision is final. Under no circumstances whatsoever must either player touch the balls.

    The referee cannot call a miss if one of the players requires snookers before or after the foul. If a player can tie, before or after the foul, a miss cannot be called.

    The referee cannot call a miss if a foul has been made without a stroke being played (e.g. touching the black with your hand whilst bridging over it).

  5. Formal Complaints Procedure

  6. The Association takes all allegations of inappropriate behaviour and conduct extremely seriously and will investigate any formal complaint accordingly. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the League Secretary will forward copies of the complaint to the individual player or team concerned. The player/team will be entitled to copies of all the documentation provided by the complainant with no information being withheld from them.

    The player/team will be invited to respond to the allegation in writing within 7 days The complaint will then be considered at the first Executive Committee meeting following this date. The player/team will also be entitled to request an oral hearing before the Executive Committee. Should a player/team fail to respond within the prescribed time limit, the matter will be considered by the Executive Committee without the benefit of their representations. Failure to respond will also result in the player/team forfeiting their right to an appeal unless they can show good cause why they failed to respond within the specified time.

    Prior to any consideration of a complaint by the Executive Committee, 3 members will be invited to form the Appeals Committee in the event of an adverse finding. The Appeals Committee members will then leave the meeting and will not take part in any discussions or decisions at this first stage. The Chairman or Vice Chair will chair the Executive Committee for the initial decision with the other being responsible for chairing the Appeals Committee. In the event of the Chairman or Vice Chair being unable to be involved due to a conflict of interest, the Executive Committee shall nominate one of their members to act as chair.

    Should the Executive Committee dismiss the complaint at first instance, both the player/team and complainant will be notified in writing. Should the Executive Committee uphold the complaint at first instance, the player/ team will be notified in writing of the decision. They shall also be informed of the action the Executive Committee intend to impose following the finding.

    The Executive Committee may impose whatever sanction they consider appropriate in the circumstances of the complaint. The complainant will also be notified in writing of the outcome. Provided a player/team have not forfeited their right to an appeal, they will be informed in the decision letter of their right to appeal the decision and the time limit in which they must submit an appeal to the League Secretary. Should a player/team exercise their right to an appeal, the Appeals Committee will invite the player/team to attend an oral hearing. The Appeals Committee may, on reviewing an appeal, increase and add to the sanction imposed by the Executive Committee.

    The decision of the Appeals Committee will be final and binding. The decision will be notified to both the player/team and the complainant. All Complaints to be made in writing (or email) and sent to the league Secretary. Anyone found airing their complaint on social media or any other chat forum will be brought before the Committee.

  7. Dress Code

  8. Competition Matches

    All semi finals and finals, and all one day competitions (unless explicitly expressed), shall have the dress code rule enforced. Players must wear a collared shirt, an LDBSA polo shirt, trousers (i.e. not jeans), and shoes, NO TRAINERS of any kind. LDBSA polo shirts are available £25 per polo, you can have them personalised with your name and/or club name please follow the link below, please order in plenty of time if you wish to wear in a semi final. No other polo shirts are to be worn, LDBSA logo polo shirts only purchased from the LDBSA directly online or by contacting Phil Cross 07596911949. The LDBSA dress code is now operating with zero tolerance, anyone attending matches in none dress code will be asked to go home and change.

    All players representing Lincoln in team or individual events must wear the dress code prescribed by the event organisers, or in the absence of this the dress code stated herein.

    Referees to dress appropriately.

    During the last season, it has become apparent that this ruling is not being complied with and due to the increasing geographical spread of the LDBSA for new teams outside of the City, it can be impractical to ‘go home and change’.

    Where a player fails to adhere to the Dress code Ruling for a Semi-Finals and Final event and it is impractical to go home and change, they will be subject to a £25 fine (effectively the cost of an LDBSA Polo Shirt).

    LDBSA Polo Shirts

  9. Financial

  10. Fees for players registrations to be paid with the team entry form online £40 per team. All other fees/fines are invoiced by the league . Failure to pay any outstanding fines or fees may result in expulsion from the league for the following season. The team captains are to be made responsible for paying/collecting fines for their team. Payment of registration/competition fees are to be made online and will be communicated via facebook, the league website and posters in clubs.

    The main sponsor of the league for season 24/25 is The LDBSA President Roy Froggatt. We then have Coutts Cues, Lincoln Snooker Club, RJC Furniture, Calum Baptist, Nick Moon, S&L Robinson Decorating, County Cups, Mike Small, Spec and Fix, Adam Sears Snooker Coaching, RJC Furniture, Rob Hall Billiards, Lincoln Security, George Barrett Each have a championship allocated to them to sponsor, they can then select the club where the semi finals and final are hosted.

  11. Gambling

  12. No player registered to play in the league may organise or take part in gambling on any event organised by the Association. This will include the running of a book on any competition. Any player identified as taking part in such activities will be subject to disciplinary action by the Committee. The full range of sanctions, including expulsion from the league, will be available to the Committee.

  13. Extraordinary General Meeting

  14. An extraordinary general meeting may be called at the request of any 40 members of the league. Such request to be made in writing to the secretary stating the reason for requesting such E.G.M. and the secretary shall then convene such a meeting which shall have the powers of an AGM.

  15. Executive Committee Meetings

  16. Shall be held every month at a place and a date to be advised by the committee and notified in writing by the secretary.

  17. Trophies

  18. All trophies of the association are challenge trophies, and cannot be won outright. Annual trophies must be returned by a date specified in a document that the winner must sign at the presentation night. It will be left to the Executive Committee’s discretion to fine any club or player that returns an annual trophy in a dirty condition.

    Trophies must be collected on the night of the presentation. If you do not attend on the night of the presentation or otherwise send apologies to the executive committee the trophy and prize money will thereby be rescinded. Upon receiving apologies, arrangements can be made for the issuing of the trophy and prize money.

  19. Combined Cue Sports Championship

  20. This competition is open to any player registered in any snooker or billiards league.

    One frame of snooker, playing to the black (the first score or forfeit to end the game), followed by a 150up game of billiards (not handicapped). The scores of these 2 games will be totalled, and the leading player shall receive the difference in points as a head start for a final frame of snooker. Should the scores be level at the end of the final frame the black will be re-spotted and played for by the final two players – the first score or forfeit to end the game.

    For example: Player A scores 70 points in the first frame of snooker, Player B scores 50. In the billiards game, Player A scores 150, Player B scores 120. Player A will get a 50 point head start for the final frame of snooker (220 v 170).

  21. The Presidents Cup

  22. The President will invite 16 players over the age of 50 to play in the Presidents Cup. All proceeds go to a charity of the Presidents choosing

  23. W.A. Smith Billiards Trophy

  24. The most improved player, based on the difference of handicap over the course of the Billiards League, shall be awarded the W.A. Smith Billiards Trophy.

  25. Individual League Averages

  26. Each player at the top of the averages of each league will receive the Player of the Year Award. That player must have played at least 70% of the league games.

  27. Jack Wilkinson Billiards Trophy

  28. The top 15 players based on the previous seasons averages (with a minimum of 50% of matches being played) and the defending Champion shall compete for the Jack Wilkinson Billiards Trophy.

    The format of play will be 4 leagues of 4 players, playing the same format as in the Billiards League. Players shall play off their handicaps at the time of the competition. The winners of each league will play in the semi finals, and the runners up in the league stages will compete for the Plate Trophy.

  29. Snooker Team Handicap

  30. The competition is open to all teams playing in the snooker league during the current season. Players must be registered for the team for which they play or registered for a team in a lower division, but may only play for one team in any one season. No players registered after the first round has been played are eligible to play in that season’s championship.

    Each team is made up of 4 players for the competition. A team playing short of the required number shall forfeit 147 points for each player short.

    The onus shall be on both teams to arrange the match. The handicap will be fixed by the Executive Committee based on their current league position at the time of the draw, so the handicaps may alter each round.

    Any matches not played, both teams will be eliminated. Final decision will rest with the Executive Committee


    The away team captain shall write their players on the scorecard first, in order for the home team captain to pair them off. In the semi-final and final, pairing and order of play shall be determined by random draw.

    All points will be totalled up for each team, so the black must be played in each frame (the first score or forfeit to end the game). On the last frame, the difference in the aggregate scores plus the handicaps will be put onto the scoreboard. For example, Team A (+20 handicap) scored 200 points in 3 frames, Team B (+10 handicap) scored 150 points in 3 frames – Team A will start the final frame with a 60 point lead (220 v 160). Should the scores be level at the end of the final frame the black will be re-spotted and played for by the final two players – the first score or forfeit to end the game.

    The home team to submit the result sheets which will be completed by both teams and signed by both captains. Sheets to be returned to the championship secretary by the dates shown on the draw sheets.

    Home teams are responsible for the provision of a referee and the financial cost of the venue. Referees and markers for the championship final shall be members of the Executive Committee or appointed referees. All venues fixed by the committee shall be adhered to by the players.

  31. Billiards Team Handicap

  32. All billiards teams playing in the current season will be eligible to enter. Teams shall consist of 3 players. Players may only play for the team for which they are currently registered. Players registered after the time of the 1st Round Draw will not be eligible to play in this competition.

    Dates shall be allocated within the regular league fixtures to accomodate the championship matches. The venue of the matches shall be decided by the event sponsor.

    3 players to play 1 frame each per K.O match; each frame won on a K.O match to be accumulated to the winning team the most won frames over the K.O.
    The Handicaps are to be as per the previous weeks Billiards League Starting Fixture.

    For example: Team A score 400 points in the first 2 games, Team B score 350 points. Team B are trailing by 50 points, therefore Player 3 for Team B will now have to score an additional 50 points on top of their handicap.

  33. The Roger Clark Snooker Trophy

  34. The last 8 players in the Senior Snooker to be invited to play for the Roger Clark Snooker Trophy. Reserves will be selected by the Executive committee.

    The format of play to be decided for the 25/26 season. The previous format for the Gordan Vincent was…. 4 leagues of 4 players, playing 3 frames against each opponent. The winners of each league will play a 5 frame semi final and then a 7 frame final. The runners up in the league stages will compete for the Plate Trophy.

    The miss rule shall be played in all matches.

  35. John Stobie Snooker Competition

  36. The top 15 players based on the previous seasons averages (with a minimum of 30 matches being played) and the defending Champion shall compete for the John Stobie Snooker Competition.

    This will be a one-day competition, best of 5 frames in all matches and a first round losers plate competition.

    The miss rule shall be played in all matches.

  37. Divisional Championships

  38. The three divisions will play individual championships within their own leagues.

    Players wanting to play in a snooker divisional championship must have played 20% of the previous seasons divisional league championship and entries would be at the discretion of the LDBSA Committee.

    Premier League Individual Championship

    Best of 5 frames for qualifying rounds and semi-finals, best of 7 frames in the final.

    The three miss rule shall be played in Premier League Individual Championship matches.

    1st Division Individual Championship

    Best of 5 frames for qualifying rounds, and best of 5 frames for semi-finals and final.

    In the event that a player registers for the 1st Division and subsequently joins a team in a higher league that same season, they will be disqualified to play in the 1st Division Individual Championship, unless the 1st Division has completed all its fixtures.

    2nd Division Individual Championship

    Best of 3 frames for qualifying rounds, and best of 3 frames for semi-finals and final.

    In the event that a player registers for the 2nd Division and subsequently joins a team in a higher league that same season, they will be disqualified to play in the 2nd Division Individual Championship, unless the 2nd Division has completed all its fixtures.

  39. Junior Snooker Doubles Championship

  40. Teams of any two players from any club can play together, they must specify which club they will be representing upon entry and both be members of that club and registered to play in the league, from either the 1st or 2nd Division. Winners to be determined by the best of 3 frames in the qualifying rounds and the best of 5 frames in the semi finals and the final.

  41. Senior Snooker Doubles Championship

  42. Teams of any two players from any club can play together, they must specify which club they will be representing upon entry and both be members of that club and registered to play in the league. Winners to be determined by the best of 5 frames in the qualifying rounds and the best of 5 frames in the semi finals and the final.

    The miss rule shall be played in the semi-final and final.

  43. Individual Junior Snooker Championship

  44. Entries will be made up of 1st and 2nd Division players with matches the best of 5 frames, and the semi final and the final also the best of 5 frames.

    Any player having twice reached the final in of the Individual Senior Snooker Championships in the last 5 seasons will henceforth be ineligible to enter the Individual Junior Snooker Championship. If any player wins the Junior snooker championship three years consecutively they will not be permitted to enter the season after. The above are subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee.

  45. Individual Senior Snooker Championship

  46. The best of 5 frames. Quarter final & Semi-finals shall be best of 7 frames and the final the best of 9 frames.

    The three miss rule to be played in the semi-finals and final.

  47. Individual Billiards Open Championship

  48. This competition is open to all registered snooker or billiards players.

    Players will play the best of three billiards matches, playing to 75 points up. Players shall string for break and choice of cueball, both of which shall be alternated each frame.

    The semi-finals and final shall be played on one night, alternating frames in the semi-finals between the two matches. E.g. semi-final 1 plays their first frame, followed by semi-final 2 playing their first frame, back to semi-final 1 to play their second frame, and so on.

  49. Individual Junior Billiards Championship

  50. Qualifying rounds to be 200 points up, semi finals 250 points up and the final 300 points up.

    Any non league player wishing to enter the Individual Junior Billiards Championship must register as registration only for the club they wish to enter from so that a handicap can be given at the start of the season by the Executive committee.

    Any player having twice reached the final in of the Individual Senior Billiards Championships in the last 5 years will henceforth be ineligible to enter the Individual Junior Billiards Championship. Any player winning the Junior billiards championship three years consecutively they will not be permitted to enter the season after. The above are subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee.

  51. The Lincoln Billiards Championship

  52. Qualifying rounds to be 300 points up, semi finals 450 points up, and the final 600 points up.

    The winner of this competition progresses to the final of the Senior Billiards to play the previous years winner of the Lincoln Billiards Championship (in the first year of this taking place, this will be previous years winner of the Senior Billiards Final).

  53. Championship Entry Fees

  54. The entry fees for individual competitions is £6, doubles £12 and team events £12 and are all made online. Opening and closing dates are all communicated via facebook, our website and with posters in each club.

  55. Conditions of Play in Championships

  56. Players who fail to attend or players that are obstructive in arranging any Individual Championship semi finals or final and including the One Day Competitions without an acceptable written reason will receive a one year ban from all LDBSA championships, at the discretion of the executive committee.

    In all championship games the onus is on both players or teams to make contact. Reasonable dates and times must be given. Both players/teams must make contact within 14 days of notification of the draw. The home player/team must provide 3 dates of which one must be a weekend. Personal contact must be made – leaving a note at a club does not constitute making contact. The best way to make contact is by asking Daz Edwards for a players details and contacting the player directly. Daz Edward’s number is 07415275042.

    Home players to provide a referee where possible. Matches must be played on the table of the club at which the home player/team is registered for that discipline, unless the players mutually agree to reverse the venue. Applications to play at any other venue must be agreed by the Executive committee.

    Any player(s)/team(s) arriving late for a championship match will lose 1 frame for every 15 minutes late and the match if they are 30 minutes late for Billiards. Final decision to be left with the Executive Committee.

    Players in competitions withdrawing before being eliminated from a competition prior to the semi final stage without good reason will receive a warning letter. If that particular player receives two warnings in a space of three years he will be suspended from playing in that particular competition for a period of one year.

    The Association will provide match balls for Snooker semi finals and finals and Billiards semi finals and finals.

    Upon reaching a Semi Final the championship secretary will be in touch with both players/teams to arrange a suitable date for the matches. The onus is on both players or teams to make contact. Reasonable dates and times must be given. Both players/teams must make contact within 14 days of notification of the draw. Personal contact must be made – leaving a note at a club does not constitute making contact. The best way to make contact is by asking Daz Edwards for a players details and contacting the player directly. Daz’s number is 07415275042. Once a date is decided between both players the date must then be communicated with the championship secretary Daz Edwards, Daz will then arrange the venue and the referee.

    The venues for semi-finals and finals are chosen by the sponsor of the championship, except for the Snooker Team Handicap semi-finals and final which are to be held at a neutral venue of the sponsors choice.

    Competition Sponsors to be advised on the competition entry forms as early in the season as feasible.

    Finals will still be arranged by the championship secretary and communicated to both finalists, venues and referees then arranged.

    Where a referee is provided for semi-finals/finals events and they deem the match table needs brushing and napping, they have the discretion to arrange/undertake for a fee of £5 per occasion by advising the Championship Secretary on the Match Night.

    PLAYER ELIGIBILITY from 2024/25 Season

    -Players wanting to play in a snooker divisional championship must have played 20% of the previous seasons divisional league championship and entries would be at the discretion of the LDBSA Committee.  Such players who are ineligible for entering the divisional championships, have the option to enter the Junior and Senior Snooker Competitions respectively.

    -Players wanting to play in the Junior Billiards must have played 20% of the previous seasons Billiards League championship and entries would be at the discretion of the LDBSA Committee.  Such players who are ineligible for entering the Junior Billiards championship, have the option to enter the Lincoln Billiards Championship.

    Dress Code to be enforced as per ruling.

  57. Snooker

  58. Premier League

    The format for the Premier Division is 7 frames for the premier league. Teams to be minimum of 3 players with no player playing more 3 frames on a night. If only 3 players are available for a team, it must be a random choice on which player will play 3 frames (a draw with both captains present), (with the other 2 players playing 2 frames each).

    The complete draw for the match to be made anonymous (Away Captain to complete first fold card in half, for Home Captain to complete) unless circumstances are mutually agreeable between both captains (i.e. if a player is going to be late please inform the home team captain).

    The three miss rule shall be played in Premier League matches.

    Division 1

    The format for the 1st Division is 6 single frames played by up to 6 players playing no more than 2 frames each. One point being scored for each frame won with a total of six points. All players to play off scratch (not handicapped).

    The away team captain shall write their players on the scorecard first, in order for the home team captain to pair them off.

    New Proposal that was passed at the AGM 2023. If we do not have enough teams to make up three divisions. The night of preference declared on the entry forms to play matches will be that teams home matches, if opponents have declared a different night the return fixture (their opponents home game) will then be played on their opponents chosen night. This will be automatically built into the fixtures when they are released. Put simply, home matches will be on your chosen evening, away matches may not be. Requests for any fixtures to me moved must be passed by the match secretary Phil Cross and are at the discretion of the executive committee.

    Division 2

    The format for the 2nd Division is 6 single frames played by up to 6 players playing no more than 2 frames each. One point being scored for each frame won with a total of five points. All players to play off scratch (not handicapped).

    The away team captain shall write their players on the scorecard first, in order for the home team captain to pair them off.

    The winners and runners up in divisions 1, 2 shall be promoted and the bottom two teams in the Premier League, divisions 1&2 shall be relegated at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

    Scorecards should indicate breaks made throughout the match concerned.

    Home teams shall provide a referee.

    All matches shall commence no later than 7:15pm, all players to be in attendance by 9:15pm, and cases of contravention of the above to be considered on merit as individual cases by the Executive Committee.

    In the event of any named player not being available, a reserve may be substituted in place of the named player.

    Any club(s) which will not allow persons under 18 to play in their club shall forfeit the frame or match or play the frame or match at the said persons club.

    Aramith snooker balls shall be used in all snooker league and competition matches.

  59. Incomplete Teams

    1. Any team found to be falsifying a scorecard, both teams will be fined £20 and all games not played shall be awarded to their opponents.
    2. Any team playing an unregistered player shall lose 1 point if the player loses, 2 points if the player wins and the team fined £20.
    3. Teams failing to attend a match will be fined the sum of £20, points awarded to their opponents  and points relevant to amount of frames played in the division deducted from their current points standing (at the discretion of the committee).
    4. Any team playing an unregistered player under another name will be fined the sum of £20 and all points from that match awarded to their opponents. The player in question will be banned from playing for the rest of the season.
  60. Amendments to Rules

  61. These rules shall not be altered, or any new rules added, except at the Annual General Meeting. Six weeks notice shall be given to enable twenty eight days notice of any proposed alteration or new rule to be submitted to the Honorary Secretary (in writing) who shall communicate the proposed alteration to clubs forming the League with a notice convening such a General Meeting.

    Where applicable, proposals to be tried out for one season in one division of the League as a pilot scheme. This division to be specified by the Executive Committee. Not to be arbitrary. Amendments to proposals can be accepted up to, and including, the night of the Annual General Meeting.

  62. Membership

  63. Before any team can be accepted into membership, the team shall be approved by the Executive Committee. In the event of the withdrawal of a team once the fixtures have been made, it will result in a fine of £20. The results of the matches played shall be void and all monies paid or due to the League shall be forfeited.

  64. Eligibility of Players

  65. All players must be fully paid up members of the club they represent with a minimum age of 10 years.

    Professional players shall not be permitted to take part in any singles or doubles championships at either Billiards or Snooker. Players will be allocated to leagues at the discretion of the Executive Committee

    PLAYER ELIGIBILITY from 2024/25 Season
    -Players wanting to play in a snooker divisional championship must have played 20% of the previous seasons divisional league championship and entries would be at the discretion of the LDBSA Committee. Such players who are ineligible for entering the divisional championships, have the option to enter the Junior and Senior Snooker Competitions respectively.
    -Players wanting to play in the Junior Billiards must have played 20% of the previous seasons Billiards League championship and entries would be at the discretion of the LDBSA Committee. Such players who are ineligible for entering the Junior Billiards championship, have the option to enter the Lincoln Billiards Championship.

  66. Registrations

  67. All players must be registered on the official printed form supplied by the league. No registrations will be accepted without the address of the player concerned. Players to be registered before the meeting prior to the commencement of the season convened for the purpose of deciding eligibility and handicaps (where necessary).

    Any club wishing to register a new player(s) after this meeting must make an application in writing to the Match Secretary, who in turn presents it to a sub-committee, consisting of three committee members, who will give permission within seven days. If one of the sub-committee members objects to any one player they will withhold their registration until the next Executive Committee meeting. Clubs will be notified by a telephone call followed up by a letter.

    The clubs secretary can only make new registrations – registrations made by anybody other than the secretary will not be accepted.

    Registration-only players will be given a Billiards handicap, providing their club has a Billiards team in the league. Once a player has played a game for a Billiards team they then become a member of that team and is no longer a registration-only player. Registration-only players will also be designated Snooker leagues that they will be allowed to play in.

    No new registrations to be made after the halfway stage except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will reserve the right to refuse the registration if it is considered in the interest of the league to do so.

    N.B. Clubs, League teams and players will be allocated a division at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

  68. Snooker and Billiards Leagues

  69. All leagues shall comprise between 8 and 16 teams and all matches shall be completed by the end of the second week in April. Fixtures will be arranged so that they are not played on a Bank Holiday.

    If the teams are level at the end of a season, the team which has won the most games will be declared champions. If games won are level, then the team that has lost the fewest will be declared champions. This way the most consistent team has won the league.

    If these are again level, the results between the two teams will be considered and the team with the best combined results against each other will then come into consideration.

    It these are again level, a playoff will be held at a neutral venue as soon as conveniently possible. The format of this play-off shall be the same format as played in the relevant league. In the event of a draw, each captain shall nominate one player from their team to play one additional frame to decide the championship.

    Any teams failing to attend a match will be fined the sum of £20, points awarded to their opponents  and points relevant to amount of frames played in the division deducted from their current points standing (at the discretion of the committee).

  70. Results

  71. The results of the match and the names of the players of both teams who took part, should be forwarded to the Match Secretary (Phil Cross). All scorecards to be received by Saturday morning (latest 12:00pm) following the match. All cards that are posted should be sent first class post. The specially provided result cards must be signed by both home and visiting captains or responsible person. Cards not signed by any captain must be posted to the match secretary accompanied by a letter of explanation. The Disputes rule will then apply.

    Late scorecards will incur a £5.00 fine. Scorecards not received at all will incur a £5.00 fine.

  72. League Matches

  73. Home and away matches shall be played in the leagues. All matches shall be played on the dates specified in the fixtures, and it is the responsibility of each club to ensure that ALL of its teams have enough reserve facility to ensure the meeting of its fixtures. Any matches not played on the dates as indicated in the handbook shall be forfeited by the defaulting team or player. Any teams failing to attend a match will be fined the sum of £20, points awarded to their opponents  and points relevant to amount of frames played in the division deducted from their current points standing (at the discretion of the committee).

    The Executive Committee will arbitrate in any case of contravention of the above which is considered to have extenuating circumstances. If a team withdraws from a league, the players may at the discretion of the Executive Committee be considered to be registration-only players and will qualify/continue to qualify for individual championships.

  74. Billiards

  75. League Matches to be handicapped, playing 200up, with handicaps set based on known ability achievements set at the Committees discretion and would be reviewed each week on a plus 10 minus 10 on a weekly basis. In the event of a Billiards League materialising, players entering with a handicap 300 or greater, both players total target would be halved. Fixtures would be set on alternate weeks, to try and give better scope to fitting the fixtures around competition events and teams would consist of 3 players but only 2 matches would be played on the night.

    The match night for Billiards will be on a Wednesday night.

    League Format
    1. Play on two tables if permitted.
    2. If a club is open early then play will commence at the discretion of the two team captains.
    3. Failing the first two options, then a 30% handicap scheme can be implemented. The % scheme will come into play only when a player handicap reaches-250. Maximum handicap is +100.

    All players to be handicapped individually and no new registrations shall receive more than plus 60 points. No player shall receive more than 100 points at any time. No player shall receive a handicap lower than minus 800. Any player playing less than 6 games in the league in any one season will have their handicap re-evaluated when next registering.

    All handicaps shall be adjusted weekly. 10 points awarded or deducted for each match lost or won. No players handicap to be adjusted in respect of games in which they did not actually take part.

    Highest Break

    The High Break trophy will stand (overall highest break) but with the introduction of two other high break awards.

    1. Players on scratch to +100
    2. Players on-10 to-100
  76. Members of clubs having more than one team

  77. Where a club is running two or more teams in the Billiards or Snooker sections, the following regulations shall apply:

    1. Second team players may play for the first team (or third team players may play for the first or second team, and so on) but only four times for any one team in one season. Should that player play for that team a fifth time, they then become registered for that team.
    2. The said player can play for their own team plus the team in a higher league.
    3. In the event of a club wishing to transfer a player from a team of higher standard to that of a lower one, application must be made to the Executive Committee and each individual application will be adjudicated entirely upon its own merits.
    4. Where a club is running two teams in any one division, such teams shall be called A and B and shall be considered to be separate clubs within the meaning of these rules.
    5. Any player may register for any club of whom they are a member, for either Billiards or Snooker or both.
    6. If a player is a member of more than one club, they may register for Billiards or Snooker at separate clubs providing they do not play the same game at different clubs. I.e. Once a player has been duly registered for a club and been accepted , he cannot register at another club for the same game during that season unless the player has not played for the team/club they registered for, and then only by acceptance of transfer by the Executive Committee.
    7. Any player that is signed on for a 1st or 2nd division team, who then plays for a higher league team on five separate fixtures, automatically becomes signed for that higher team and is unable to play for the lower division team during that season
  78. Payment for use of the table

  79. Any charge made by a club or billiards hall for the use of the table in any individual match shall be paid by the home players unless mutually agreed by the players concerned.

  80. Disputes

  81. Any complaint indicating a breach of these rules must be forwarded in writing to the Secretary within 3 days of the occurrence by a responsible official of the club concerned. The Secretary of the league shall notify the club concerned and the secretaries of the said clubs shall state their views in writing to the League, when the matter shall be placed on the agenda of the next Executive Committee meeting.

    No objection or protest may be withdrawn except with the permission of the Executive Committee.

    In the event of a dispute which may affect the match result, the scorecard should be left open i.e. not signed.

  82. Annual General Meeting

  83. The Annual General Meeting, of which six weeks notice should be given, shall be held in the month of July each year for the purpose of electing the Honorary Officers and the Executive Committee, the Auditors and confirm or revise the rules.

    A statement of accounts showing all receipts and expenditure, duly audited, shall be rendered by the Secretary and Treasurer.

    At this meeting any number of members of the club may attend but each club is only allowed one vote for its Snooker team and one vote for its Billiards team, however the Billiards vote can only be used by the clubs with a Billiards team that was entered in the League the previous season and only for Billiards business. Likewise the Snooker vote can only be used for Snooker business if the club had a team in the League the previous season.

    All clubs participating in the league shall send at least one representative to the Annual General Meeting. Failure to do so will result in a fine of £10.

  84. Power of the Executive

  85. The Executive Committee shall have the power to arrange for the appointment of any sub-committee and to delegate to such a committee any business it may deem necessary.

    The Executive Committee shall be empowered to make rules for the benefit of the association and do such things considered to be necessary for achieving the objectives of the Association. It shall have full powers for dealing with offending teams or individual members under its auspices and with any infringement of the Association rules. It shall be empowered to give a decision on any matter on which these rules are silent. The committee’s decision on all matters are final.

    The Executive Committee have the power to alter rules passed at an AGM, but only if they feel that the particular rule is not working properly, i.e. if there are a lot of complaints about that partiular rule.

  86. The Executive Committee

  87. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Match Secretary, Championship Secretary, Treasurer and eight members, five of whom shall form a quorum. The Treasurer, Secretary, Match Secretary and Championship Secretary shall have full voting powers. Committee members who miss three consecutive committee meetings without an acceptable apology / reason shall cease to be a committee member.

  88. Management

  89. The Business of the League shall be governed by an Executive Committee which shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting. In the event of any office becoming vacant, the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint a successor until the next Annual General Meeting.

  90. Objectives

  91. The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the welfare of the game of Billiards and Snooker and in furtherance thereof shall promote such League competitions as shall be determined from the time. It shall deal with matters affecting such games and their players and take such action thereon as may be deemed expedient.

  92. Name

  93. This Association shall be called the Lincoln City and District Billiards and Snooker Association and shall consist of such clubs playing Billiards and Snooker or any other games played on an English Billiards table according to the rules of the game as laid down by the English Billiards and Snooker Control Council and such rules and regulations of the Association as the Executive Committee may approve. The area to be at the discretion of the League.